Strategic Initiatives
Fouad had recently given his heart to Jesus. This was a hard decision because, as a Muslim, following Jesus can mean the loss of family and community. Fouad understood the costs and followed anyway. Now he was searching for a new community, a community of Jesus followers.
“I’ve found a church,” Fouad told his wife. “We can go to worship together!”
Unfortunately this church was not very welcoming to Muslims. Welcoming Muslims in the local church could present a big problem for the local church. For hundreds of years Arab Christians in the region have been allow to worship their God but prohibited to share their faith with the Muslim majority.
Fouad and his wife did not feel loved and welcomed. They needed a new community! So they prayed. As the months passed, God put it into Fouad’s heart to begin to plant churches among his Muslim friends and family. This was very risky. But he believed Jesus had risked all for him and the thought that his family would spend eternity away from God was worth any risk.
Today Fouad and his wife have a new community. They meet weekly in their house. They worship Jesus and learn from the Scriptures together God has given them a new community.

And do not fear those
who kill the body but
cannot kill the soul.
Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and
body in hell.
Matthew 10:28
The Arabs of the Levant represent approximately 73 million spread around the globe. Millions of them have been displaced due to wars. You can help us continue to plant churches among the Arabs of the Levant!