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 WHO We Serve 

Strategic Initiatives


Hassan was counting the minutes for his shift to end so that he could go visit his mother again at the hospital. Hassan’s mother was very ill and the doctors had already given up on her. 


But Hassan, a former Muslim now following Jesus as Lord, believed that if God would be pleased, He could heal his mother. Hassan had been praying for her healing for several weeks now, but his mother’s health was getting worse and worse. 


When he finally made it to the hospital, his mother was sleeping. Hassan paced back and forth in the room fearing the worst but believing in God’s plan. Suddenly his mother screamed “where is he?, where is he?” Hassan thought that his mother had really gone mad and now it was just hours before the end. In order to make his mother more comfortable, he came to her and asked questions. 


“Mother, who did you see? Are you missing your parents? Your brother?”


Hassan’s mother quickly told him: “No! The man in white that was there talking to you. Where is he? He told me that he was your God and that He would heal me!”  


Wow! Hassan knew that his mother was not mad! She had seen Jesus! Two days later, Hassan’s mother was released from the hospital. Completely healed, today she worships Jesus at a small house-church in Central Asia. Just like Hassan’s mother, there are hundreds of Central Asians experiencing the supernatural presence of Jesus and following Him.


And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. Matthew 9:35

Still, there are over 84 million people living in what is called  the “black hole” of Central Asia.  It has been given this name because the region is largely unknown by people due to its geographic position. You can help us to bring hope to the forgotten unreached Central Asian peoples!

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