Strategic Initiatives
Dhonu trudged his way up the mountainous road one more time. There were people up that hill who never had the opportunity to hear about Jesus. The walk would be daunting for anyone, but for Dhonu it is an even greater challenge.
You see, he lost his right foot many years ago after being diagnosed with cancer in his leg. As a young, single Hindu man, he began to search for meaning of life among many gods. One day when he was washing his cloths in the river he prayed for Jesus - the God of Christians. But this time was different. He heard an answer!
He looked to the mountains around him. He knew that Jesus was the help he needed. Several years had past. Now with a prosthesis in place of his amputated leg, he is unfazed.
In one three month period, Dhonu was able to preach the Gospel to over a hundred people and to baptize nine. He is also spending time establishing sixteen others in their faith and equipping two others to be leaders in the church.
I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes
from the LORD, who
made heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1-2
There 52 million people living in the mountainous region of the Himalayas. Most of them literally and geographically separated from any Gospel access, the majority practicing Hinduism or Buddhism. You can help us provide Gospel access to these unreached peoples of the Himalayas!