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 WHO We Serve 

Strategic Initiatives


“But why?” asked Deniz. The mayor of the town did not really have a satisfactory answer. “Just because,” was his reply. Deniz’s church had been renting this space and now they could no longer stay there. Deniz was discouraged.


Deniz’s small local church in this Turkish city of approximately a half million people was the only church.  Now they had no place to meet. Worst, the presence of a public meeting place was gone. Why would God allow it to no longer be in this place? The situation seemed hopeless. What would God do?


Understanding that the local body of Christ is not a place but followers of Christ, Deniz divided the small church in three groups. They met weekly in houses praying for God to provide a a way. Within a matter of about three months, Deniz found a new location in the city for their church.  This new location is a beautiful storefront right in the heart of town. Now they had a new permission from the local officials and the whole church began to meet together again.


And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

They are over 60 million Turks in the world. The majority of them are in Turkey and Germany. You can help us to reach out to one of the largest unreached people group in the word. 

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